Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund
When we ask you to invest in the Harry Hampton Wildlife Fund, we ask you to make an investment imperative to the future well-being of some of your greatest assets, the Palmetto State's wildlife and marine resources.
You can invest in the future of wildlife and marine resources in South Carolina through a tax-deductible donation to the Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund. You may donate as a corporation, organization, club or individual.
Donations may be made as an annual contribution, as the paid-up value of the donor’s life insurance policy, or as a bequest from a will. Real or personal property qualify as contributions as well.
Further, a donation may be made as a memorial gift to honor a deceased friend or relative. This last category is a particularly fitting way to acknowledge the dedication of ardent sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts who would be pleased by such a remembrance.
Every donation to the Hampton Fund is seen as an investment, acknowledged with a letter of appreciation and tax receipt from the board of directors recognizing your contribution to the future of natural resources in South Carolina.
Charge cards may be used by clicking the "Donate" button on right. Checks or bequests should be made to Hampton Wildlife Fund. You may mail your contributions to:
Harry Hampton Fund
P.O. Box 2641
Columbia SC 29202
For more or specific information, or to have additional information mailed to you, please contact us by mail or call:
James R. Goller, Executive Director
Phone: 803.600.1570
Fax: 843.525.1561
The Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund, Inc. is a private, non-profit corporation which
partners with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for the promotion of
education, research, management and the administration of game and fish laws, which
will benefit conservation of wildlife, marine and other natural resources in South Carolina.
Donate securely with your credit card by clicking the button above. A box is included where you may direct your donation, such as, "In memory of John T. Doe, 1111 Any Street, Anywhere, SC 29000.
Donate to the S.C. Bobwhite Initiative
using the page link below.